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Blog Posts (1)
- Realize your Purpose in 5 Steps
1. Brainstorm based on your passion(s) 2. Let your imagination takeover 3. Identify resources and needs 4. Get started by taking the first three (3) Steps 5. Did you guess it already...that's right repeat...repeat..repeat OUR GOAL AT PURPOSELYY IS TO HELP YOU WITH THAT LAST STEP. Keep coming back to add ideas to your project. Create or get help from others. Most importantly, keep coming back if only to remind yourself of your purpose. It not just you commiting to realize your purpose. It's all of us supporting you on this journey PURPOSELYY.....
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- Forum | Purposelyy
To test this feature, visit your live site. All Posts My Posts Forum Welcome! Have a look around and join the discussions. Sort by: Recent Activity Follow All Categories Create New Post Comments Views Recent Activity Item option menu Let your "Y" light a Path. purposelyy 0 0 Nov 04, 2022 Get Started with Your Forum PurPosely Yours 0 0 Nov 20, 2020 Forum - Frameless
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Forum Posts (2)
- Get Started with Your ForumIn General Discussions·November 20, 2020Welcome to the Wix Forum. Use your forum as a discussion board to talk about topics linked to your website. Here are some tips for how to get started. Write a Welcome Post Greet visitors to your forum with a warm welcome message. Tell people what your forum is about and what to expect. You can also share this post on your social media sites to get things going and attract your first members. Add Categories Categories let users easily navigate your forum and find the topics they are looking for. Add your own categories to suit your site or business. Join the Wix Forum Community This is a community made just for you, Wix Forum fans. Get the latest updates, ask questions and share your wishes for new features. Check it out. Customize Anything Get your forum looking just the way you want. Open your forum settings to choose from different layouts, edit your text and more. Enjoy using your forum!005
- Let your "Y" light a Path.In General Discussions·November 4, 2022Your "Y" is simply why you exist. It does not need to be a larger than life reason. It's simply how you define or believe "Y" you are here. A good example might be to set a better example for your kids than your parents did for you. Or to continuous remind people to not stress over problems that can't be changed. When you are young, having a "Y" is not important. Getting involved in things that add value to your life and others is important. Try new things. Learn to listen to your inner voice. Use the resource found on the purposelyy.com site to learn Why You Matter. Even try helping others reach their purpose by becoming a Resourcer. Your "Y" can not be taken, it is for you. There is no competing with your true destiny, whether you decide or if it's already decided. Just work towards your passion and Purposelyy will guide you further than you could have imagined.004